
Heart Connections

Parenting is one of the most, if not the most, amazing things. Nothing has brought me more joy, more excitement, more fulfillment, more purpose, more love. Also, nothing has brought me more confusion, more doubt, more anxiety, more tears, more questions, more pain if you will.... and I am just in the beginning years of… Continue reading Heart Connections

Mom Bod

I don't know what it is about Sundays.... but it turns out that they are my most insecure day. My mind is like 'oh, yay, it's Sunday. The one day you want to look nice. The one day you actually care about putting effort into how you look, and what clothes you are wearing. The one… Continue reading Mom Bod


"No one is praising me for how good I wash the dishes. No one is thanking me for keeping the kids alive. No one is telling me that I have what it takes to get a promotion one day. [A promotion to what, I am not sure, but that's beside the point!]"